BAS для MobileBASIC **Автор - Андрей Рейгант (HoldFast) ** ** */ class LIS { public $data, $file, $save, $coderror, $bufbody, $buffer, $compile = false; public $lines = array(""); public $ltypes = array(""); public $lexems; public $vars = array(""); public $vtypes = array(""); public $currLine; const INT = 0, FLOAT = 1, STR = 2; const Operator = 0, Integer = 1, Float = 2, String = 3, Variable = 4, Data = 5, ArrayByte = 6; public $ops = array("STOP", "POP", "RETURN", "END", "NEW", "RUN", "DIR", "DEG", "RAD", "BYE", "GOTO", "GOSUB", "SLEEP", "PRINT", "REM", "DIM", "IF", "THEN", "CLS", "PLOT", "DRAWLINE", "FILLRECT", "DRAWRECT", "FILLROUNDRECT", "DRAWROUNDRECT", "FILLARC", "DRAWARC", "DRAWSTRING", "SETCOLOR", "BLIT", "FOR", "TO", "STEP", "NEXT", "INPUT", "LIST", "ENTER", "LOAD", "SAVE", "DELETE", "EDIT", "TRAP", "OPEN", "CLOSE", "NOTE", "POINT", "PUT", "GET", "DATA", "RESTORE", "READ", "=", "<>", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "(", ")", ",", "+", "-", "-", "*", "/", "^", "BITAND", "BITOR", "BITXOR", "NOT", "AND", "OR", "SCREENWIDTH", "SCREENHEIGHT", "ISCOLOR", "NUMCOLORS", "STRINGWIDTH", "STRINGHEIGHT", "LEFT$", "MID$", "RIGHT$", "CHR$", "STR$", "LEN", "ASC", "VAL", "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "FIRE", "GAMEA", "GAMEB", "GAMEC", "GAMED", "DAYS", "MILLISECONDS", "YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECOND", "RND", "ERR", "FRE", "MOD", "EDITFORM", "GAUGEFORM", "CHOICEFORM", "DATEFORM", "MESSAGEFORM", "LOG", "EXP", "SQR", "SIN", "COS", "TAN", "ASIN", "ACOS", "ATAN", "ABS", "=", "#", "PRINT", "INPUT", ":", "GELGRAB", "DRAWGEL", "SPRITEGEL", "SPRITEMOVE", "SPRITEHIT", "READDIR$", "PROPERTY$", "GELLOAD", "GELWIDTH", "GELHEIGHT", "PLAYWAV", "PLAYTONE", "INKEY", "SELECT", "ALERT", "SETFONT", "MENUADD", "MENUITEM", "MENUREMOVE", "CALL", "ENDSUB"); public $keywords = array("STOP", "POP", "RETURN", "END", "RUN", "DIR", "DEG", "RAD", "BYE", "CLS", "ENDSUB"); public $functions = array("SCREENHEIGHT", "SCREENWIDTH", "ISCOLOR", "NUMCOLORS", "STRINGWIDTH", "STRINGHEIGHT", "LEFT$", "MID$", "RIGHT$", "CHR$", "STR$", "LEN", "ASC", "VAL", "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "FIRE", "GAMEA", "GAMEB", "GAMEC", "GAMED", "DAYS", "MILLISECONDS", "YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECOND", "RND", "ERR", "FRE", "MOD", "EDITFORM", "GAUGEFORM", "CHOICEFORM", "DATEFORM", "MESSAGEFORM", "LOG", "EXP", "SQR", "SIN", "COS", "TAN", "ASIN", "ACOS", "ATAN", "ABS", "SPRITEHIT", "READDIR$", "PROPERTY$", "GELWIDTH", "GELHEIGHT", "INKEY", "SELECT", "MENUITEM", "MENUREMOVE"); function LIS($name, $newname) { $this->file = $name; $this->save = $newname; } function init() { $this->data = file_get_contents($this->file); } function compile() { if(!$this->compile){ $this->init(); $string = explode("\n", $this->data); for ($i = 0; $i < count($string); $i++) { if (trim($string[$i]) != "") { $this->lines[] = trim($string[$i]); } } $this->analize(); if ($this->coderror != "") return $this->coderror; $this->compileCode(); file_put_contents($this->save, $this->buffer); $this->compile=true; } } function analize() { $this->currLine = 1; for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->lines); $i++) { $this->analizeLine($this->lines[$i]); $this->check($this->currLine); $this->currLine++; if ($this->coderror != "") break; } } function check($lineNum) { // for($i=0; $ilexems[$lineNum]); $i++){ // echo $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i]; //} // echo "\n"; $braketCount = 0; if ($this->ltypes[$lineNum][0] != Integer) { $this->coderror = "Invalid line number [" . $this->lexems[$lineNum][0] . "] "; // return; } for($i=0; $ilexems[$lineNum]); $i++){ if ($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] == "(") $bracketCount++; if ($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] == ")") $bracketCount--; } for($ii=0; $iilexems[$lineNum]); $ii++){ $i = $ii; if ($this->ltypes[$lineNum][$i] == Operator) { if (in_array($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i], $this->keywords)) { if (!($i == count($this->lexems[$lineNum]) - 1 || $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] == ":")) $this->coderror = "Operator must have 0 arguments [" . $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] . "] on line " . $this->lexems[$lineNum][0]; return; } elseif (in_array($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i], $this->functions)) { if ($i == count($this->lexems[$lineNum]) - 1 || $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] != "(") $this->coderror = "Error function [" . $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] . "] on line " . $this->lexems[$lineNum][0]; return; } elseif (!in_array($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i], $this->functions) && count($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i]) > 1) { if ($i == count($this->lexems[$lineNum]) - 1 || $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] == ":") { $this->coderror = "Operator must have arguments [" . $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] . "]"; return; } elseif ($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] == "(" && $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] != "TO" && $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] != "STEP") { $this->coderror = "Not an operator [" . $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] . "]"; return; } } if ($this->lexems[$lineNum][$i] == "DIM") { $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 2] = ""; $this->ltypes[$lineNum][$i + 2] = ArrayByte; } if ($i < count($this->ltypes[$lineNum]) - 1) if ($this->ltypes[$lineNum][$i] == Variable && $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] == "(") { { $this->lexems[$lineNum][$i + 1] = ""; $this->ltypes[$lineNum][$i + 1] = ArrayByte; } } } } if ($bracketCount != 0) { $this->coderror = "Error: any brakets no open/close"; return; } } function analizeLine($line) { $i = 0; while ($i < mb_strlen($line)) { $i += $this->readToken($line, $i); if ($this->coderror != "") break; } } function readToken($line, $startPos) { $initPos = $startPos; $op = ""; if (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= 'A' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= 'Z' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= 'a' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= 'z') { while (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= 'A' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= 'Z' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= 'a' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= 'z' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= '0' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= '9' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '_' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '$' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '%') { $op .= mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1); $startPos++; if ($startPos >= mb_strlen($line)) break; } $op = mb_strtoupper($op); $this->lexems[$this->currLine][] = $op; // echo "лан, не урчи"; $isData = false; $data = ""; if ($op == "DATA" || $op == "REM") { $isData = true; $startPos++; while ($startPos < mb_strlen($line)) { $data .= mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1); $startPos++; } $this->lexems[$this->currLine][] = $data; } if (!in_array($op, $this->ops)) { if (!in_array($op, $this->vars)) $this->vars[] = $op; if ($this->endWith($op, "$")) { $this->vtypes[] = STR; } elseif ($this->endWith($op, "%")) { $this->vtypes[] = INT; } else $this->vtypes[] = FLOAT; $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Variable; // } } else { $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Operator; if ($isData) { $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Data; } } } //STRING elseif (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '"') { $startPos++; while (!(mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '"')) { $op .= mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1); $startPos++; if ($startPos >= mb_strlen($line)) { $this->coderror = "Error complie: Not forund close \""; break; } } $startPos++; $this->lexems[$this->currLine][] = '"' . $op . '"'; $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = String; } // NUMBER elseif (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= '0' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= '9') { while (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= '0' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= '9' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == '.' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == 'e' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == 'E') { $op .= mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1); if (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == 'e' || mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) == 'E') { $op .= mb_substr($line, $startPos + 1, 1); $startPos += 2; } else $startPos++; if ($startPos >= mb_strlen($line)) break; } $containPoint = false; $error = false; for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($op); $i++) { if ($op[$i] == '.') { if (!$containPoint) $containPoint = true; else { // exit; $this->coderror = "NumberLexem contains more than one point [" . $op . "]"; return; } } } if (!$error) { $this->lexems[$this->currLine][] = $op; if ($containPoint) $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Float; else $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Integer; } } ///SYMBOL else { if (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) != ' ' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) < 'А') { $this->lexems[$this->currLine][] = mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1); $this->ltypes[$this->currLine][] = Operator; $startPos++; } elseif (mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) >= 'А' && mb_substr($line, $startPos, 1) <= 'я') { $this->coderror = "SymbolLexem not recognized [" . $line[$startPos] . "]"; return; } else $startPos++; } return $startPos - $initPos; } function compileHead() { $buf = ""; $buf .= pack('H*', "4d420001"); $buf .= pack('n*', count($this->vars) - 1); for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->vars); $i++) { $buf .= $this->writeUTF($this->vars[$i]); switch ($this->vtypes[$i]) { case INT: $buf .= pack('H*', "00"); break; case FLOAT: $buf .= pack('H*', "01"); break; case STR: $buf .= pack('H*', "02"); break; } } $buf .= pack('n*', strlen($this->bufbody)); $this->buffer = $buf . $this->bufbody; } function compileCode() { $lexems = $this->lexems; $ltypes = $this->ltypes; for ($currLine = 1; $currLine < count($lexems) + 1; $currLine++) { $line = ""; $buf .= pack('n*', $lexems[$currLine][0]); for ($currLex = 1; $currLex < count($lexems[$currLine]); $currLex++) { /////Operator if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == Operator) { if (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == "IF") { $ifStarted = true; } elseif (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == "THEN") { $ifStarted = false; } elseif (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == "FOR") { $forStarted = true; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->ops); $i++) { if (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == $this->ops[$i]) { if (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == "=") { if ($ifStarted) { $i = "33"; } else if ($forStarted) { $i = "7b"; $forStarted = false; } else { $i = "f6"; } } else { $i = dechex($i); if (strlen($i) < 2) $i = "0" . $i; } /// echo $i; $line .= pack('H*', $i); break; } } } /////Variable if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == Variable) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->vars); $i++) { if (trim($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) == trim($this->vars[$i])) { $line .= pack('H*', "FC"); $i = dechex($i - 1); //echo $i; if (strlen($i) < 2) $i = "0" . $i; $line .= pack('H*', $i); break; } } } if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == ArrayByte) { $line .= pack('H*', "F7"); } if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == Integer) { if (strlen($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) > 5) $ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] = Float; else { $val = intval($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]); if ($val <= 127) { $line .= pack('H*', "F8"); $i = dechex($val); if (strlen($i) < 2) $i = "0" . $i; $line .= pack('H*', $i); } elseif ($val >= 128 && $val <= 255) { $line .= pack('H*', "F9"); $i = dechex($val); if (strlen($i) < 2) $i = "0" . $i; $line .= pack('H*', $i); } elseif ($val >= 256 && $val < 65536) { $line .= pack('H*', "FA"); $line .= pack('n*', $val); } else { $line .= pack('H*', "FB"); // $line .= pack('I',$val); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($val, 24) & 0xFF); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($val, 16) & 0xFF); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($val, 8) & 0xFF); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($val, 0) & 0xFF); } } } ///// if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == String) { $text = mb_substr($lexems[$currLine][$currLex], 1, mb_strlen($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]) - 2); if (preg_match('//u', $text)) $text = iconv("UTF-8", "WINDOWS-1251", $text); $line .= pack('H*', "FD"); $line .= $this->writeTEXT($text); } if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == Data) { $line .= $this->writeTEXT($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]); } if ($ltypes[$currLine][$currLex] == Float) { $line .= pack('H*', "FE"); $exp = 0x80; $num = doubleval($lexems[$currLine][$currLex]); if ($num < 1) { while ($num < 1) { $num = $num * 10; $exp--; } } else if ($num >= 10) { while ($num >= 10) { $num = $num / 10; $exp++; } } $radix = ($num * 500000); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($radix, 16) & 0xFF); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($radix, 8) & 0xFF); $line .= pack('c', $this->shiftRight($radix, 0) & 0xFF); $line .= pack("c", $exp); } } $len = dechex(strlen($line) + 4); if (mb_strlen($len) < 2) $len = "0" . $len; $buf .= pack('H*', $len) . $line . pack('H*', 'FF'); } $this->bufbody = $buf; $this->compileHead(); } function writeUTF($text) { $pack = pack('n*', mb_strlen($text)); $pack .= pack('a*', $text); return $pack; } function writeTEXT($text) { $len = dechex(strlen($text)); if (strlen($len) < 2) $len = "0" . $len; $pack = pack('H*', $len); $pack .= pack('a*', $text); return $pack; } function shiftRight($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && $a < 0) { return ($a >> $b) + (2 << ~$b); } else { return ($a >> $b); } } function endWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); if ($length == 0) { return true; } return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } } ?>