-Xopt options include: stackChunkSize=<32..65536> - Java stack chunk size stackMinSize=<32..65536> - Java stack minimum size stackMaxSize=<1024..1048576> - Java stack maximum size cpuMask=<0..31> - CPU affinity mask allocRetry=<0..31> - atomic alloc retry noSignals={true|false} - Reduce Signal Usage -Xjit options include: icost=<0..32767> - Interpreter transition cost mcost=<0..32767> - Mixed transition cost bcost=<0..32767> - Backwards branch cost climit=<0..65535> - Compilation threshold compile={none|all|policy} - When to compile inline={{+|-}{none|default|all|virtual|nonvirtual|vhints|ihints|Xvsync|Xnvsync|Xdopriv}} - What to inline maxInliningDepth=<0..1000> - Max Inlining Depth maxInliningCodeLength=<0..1000> - Max Inlining Code Length minInliningCodeLength=<0..1000> - Min Inlining Code Length policyTriggeredDecompilations={true|false} - Policy Triggered Decompilations maxWorkingMemorySize=<0..67108864> - Max Working Memory Size maxCompiledMethodSize=<0..65535> - Max Compiled Method Size codeCacheSize=<0..33554432> - Code Cache Size upperCodeCacheThreshold=<0%..100%> - Upper Code Cache Threshold lowerCodeCacheThreshold=<0%..100%> - Lower Code Cache Threshold XregisterPhis={true|false} - Pass Phi values in registers XregisterLocals={true|false} - Pass locals in registers between blocks XcompilingCausesClassLoading={true|false} - Compiling Causes Class Loading Xpmi={true|false} - Patched Method Invocations profile= - Enable profiling of jit compiled code profileInstructions={true|false} - profile at the instruction level