Rem Bouncing balls comparison Rem gr.modify Vs gr.bitmap.drawinto Rem With RFO Basic! Rem December 2014 Rem Version 1.02 Rem By Roy, adapted by mougino Rem start of functions fn.def Gcol(c,g) Rem g=0 Outline and g=1 Fill if c=0 then gr.color 255,0,0,0,g % black if c=1 then gr.color 255,255,0,0,g % Red if c=2 then gr.color 255,0,255,0,g % green if c=3 then gr.color 255,0,0,255,g % blue if c=4 then gr.color 255,255,255,0,g % yellow if c=5 then gr.color 255,0,255,255,g % cyan if c=6 then gr.color 255,255,0,255,g % magenta if c=7 then gr.color 255,192,192,192,g % gray if c=8 then gr.color 255,255,255,255,g % white if c=9 then gr.color 255,205,0,0,g % mediumblue if c=10 then gr.color 255,65,105,225,g % royalblue if c=11 then gr.color 255,255,215,0,g % gold if c=12 then gr.color 255,0,250,154,g % springgreen if c=13 then gr.color 255,220,20,60,g % crimson fn.end fn.def CurvyWindow(x,y,l,h,c) call Gcol(c,1) gr.rect r,x,y+h/40,l,h-h/40 gr.rect r,x+h/40,y,l-h/40,h c, x+h/40,y+h/40,h/40 c,l-h/40,y+h/40,h/40 c,x+h/40,h-h/40,h/40 c,l-h/40,h-h/40,h/40 fn.end fn.def PrintTab(x,y,bgc,fgc,t$) x-- gr.text.width t,t$ gr.text.width w,"W" gr.text.height h,up,dn x*=w y*=abs(up)+dn if bgc>=0 then Call Gcol(bgc,1) gr.rect r,x,y+up,x+t,y+dn end if call Gcol(fgc,1) gr.text.draw d,x,y,t$ fn.rtn d fn.end Rem End of Functions Rem Main console.title"Bouncing balls" Rem Open Graphics di_width = 1280 % set to my tablet di_height = 800 255,0,0,0 % Black gr.orientation 0 pause 1000 gr.screen screenWidth,screenHeight scale_x=screenWidth/di_width scale_y=screenHeight/di_height gr.scale scale_x,scale_y gr.text.typeface 2 gr.text.size 27 % will give 80 x 26 chrs wakelock 3 Rem Global Vars maxBalls=100 lastBall=5 bb$=" bouncing ball" dim mess[4] method=1 % 'gr.modify' method dim c[maxBalls] % circle colour dim cn[maxBalls] %circle number dim x[maxBalls] % circle y dim y[maxBalls] % circle x dim r[maxBalls] % radius dim xd[maxBalls] % x direction and speed dim yd[maxBalls] % y direction and speed Rem SetUp Screen gr.bitmap.create bgnBmp,1280,800 gr.bitmap.drawinto.start bgnBmp call CurvyWindow(1,1,di_width,di_height,11) % gold outer window call Gcol(0,1) % black full gr.rect nul,50,50,di_width-50,di_height-50 % black inner window call CurvyWindow(5,50,45,di_height-50,0) % black scroll bar on the left gr.bitmap.drawinto.end gr.bitmap.draw nul,bgnBmp,0,0 call Gcol(8,1) % white full gr.rect ballRect,7,55+(di_height-110)*(101-lastBall)/100,43,di_height-54 call Gcol(0,1) % black full gr.text.bold 1 e$=int$(lastBall)+bb$ if lastBall>1 then e$+="s" gr.text.draw mess[1],500,35,e$ gr.text.bold 0 call PrintTab(3,25,-1,0,chr$(8598)+" drag to set nb of balls") mess[2]=PrintTab(38,25,13,0," Pause ") mess[3]=PrintTab(65,25,13,0," gr.modify ") gr.text.draw mess[4],1000,35,"" gr.bitmap.create myBmp,di_width-100,di_height-100 gr.bitmap.draw myPtr,myBmp,50,50 gr.hide myPtr rem SetUp Arrays (Define Balls) for s=1 to maxBalls c[s]=int(13 * rnd()+1) % color x[s]=int(800 * Rnd()+200) % x coordinate y[s]=int(600 * rnd()+100) % y coordinate r[s]=int(10 * rnd() + 30) % radius xd[s]=int(40 * rnd()-20) % x direction and speed yd[s]=int(40 * rnd()-20) % y direction and speed if xd[s]=0 then xd[s]=10 if yd[s]=0 then yd[s]=-10 call Gcol(c[s],1) cn[s], x[s], y[s], r[s] if s>lastBall then gr.hide cn[s] next Rem Main Loop do t0=Clock() frame=0 do if method=1 then % 'gr.modify' method for s=1 to lastBall let x[s]=x[s]+xd[s] let y[s]=y[s]+yd[s] gr.modify cn[s], "x",x[s], "y",y[s] if x[s]>1190 then let xd[s]=-xd[s] elseif x[s]<90 then let xd[s]=abs(xd[s]) end if if y[s]>710 then let yd[s]=-yd[s] elseif y[s]<90 then let yd[s]=abs(yd[s]) end if next else % method=2 'gr.bitmap.drawinto' method gr.bitmap.delete myBmp gr.bitmap.create myBmp,di_width-100,di_height-100 gr.bitmap.drawinto.start myBmp for s=1 to lastBall let x[s]=x[s]+xd[s] let y[s]=y[s]+yd[s] call Gcol(c[s],1) nul, x[s], y[s], r[s] if x[s]>di_width-140 then let xd[s]=-xd[s] elseif x[s]<40 then let xd[s]=abs(xd[s]) end if if y[s]>di_height-140 then let yd[s]=-yd[s] elseif y[s]<40 then let yd[s]=abs(yd[s]) end if next gr.bitmap.drawinto.end gr.modify myPtr,"bitmap",myBmp end if let frame=frame+1 gr.modify mess[4],"text",int$(frame*1000/(Clock()-t0))+" fps" gr.render if Clock()-t0>2000 then frame=0 t0=Clock() end if gr.touch touched,tx,ty until touched tx /= scale_x ty /= scale_y Rem Increase/decrease number of balls if tx>=7 & tx<=43 & ty>=45 & ty<=735 then ty-=10 do s=min(100, 101-100*(ty-55)/(745-55)) % target number of balls if s<>lastBall then lastBall=s e$=int$(s)+bb$ if s>1 then e$+="s" gr.modify mess[1],"text",e$ gr.modify ballRect, "top", ty for s=1 to lastBall cn[s] next for s=lastBall+1 to maxBalls gr.hide cn[s] next gr.render end if gr.touch touched,tx,ty until !touched end if Rem Switch mode: gr.modify Vs gr.bitmap.drawinto if tx>1000 & tx<1250 & ty>700 & ty<800 & lastBall>1 then method=3-method if method=1 then e$=" gr.modify " else e$="bmp.drawinto" gr.modify mess[3],"text",e$ if method=1 then % 'gr.modify' method gr.hide myPtr for s=1 to lastBall cn[s] next else % method=2 'gr.bitmap.drawinto' method myPtr for s=1 to maxBalls gr.hide cn[s] next end if gr.render do gr.touch touched,tx,ty until !touched end if Rem Pause if tx>500 & tx<700 & ty>700 & ty<800 then gr.modify mess[2], "text", " Start " gr.render do gr.touch touched,tx,ty until !touched do gr.touch touched,tx,ty tx /= scale_x ty /= scale_y until touched & tx>500 & tx<700 & ty>700 & ty<800 gr.modify mess[2], "text", " Pause " gr.render do gr.touch touched,tx,ty until !touched end if until 0 Rem end of main loop onBackKey: do Dialog.Message "Exit:", "Are you sure you want to leave Bouncing Balls", yn, "Yes","No" if yn=0 then tone 400,400 until yn>0 if yn=2 then back.resume wakelock 5 gr.close print end"Thanks for trying Bouncing Balls Demo" onError: Rem Do nothing