Rem Revolving Disks di_height = 1152 % set to my Device di_width = 672 255,0, 0, 0 gr.orientation 1 % Portrait pause 1000 WakeLock 3 gr.screen screenWidth, screenHeight scale_x = screenWidth / di_width scale_y = screenHeight / di_height gr.scale scale_x, scale_y xx=screenWidth/2 - 20 yy=screenHeight/2 gosub Functions !------------------------------------------------- ! Set variables then go into forever loop !------------------------------------------------- m1 = 250 t = 0 loopCount = 0 do loopCount ++ gr.cls t = mod((t + 1), 360) for a1 = 0 to 345 step 15 x1 = m1 * sin(toradians(a1 + t)) y1 = m1 * cos(toradians(a1 + t)) call setcolour(1536 * a1 / 360) null, xx + x1 ,yy + y1 ,60 next gr.render x1 = m1 * sin(toradians(a1 + t)) y1 = m1 * cos(toradians(a1 + t)) x2 = (m1 + 82) * sin(toradians(a1 + t )) y2 = (m1 + 82) * cos(toradians(a1 +t )) if loopCount > 100 & loopCount < 200 then t = t + 5 if loopCount = 200 then t = 0 if loopCount > 200 then t = t - 5 if loopCount > 300 then t = 0 : loopCount = 0 until 0 end onBackKey: end Functions: !------------------------------------------------- ! Select a Colours !------------------------------------------------- fn.def SetColour(N) num = int(N / 256) sw.begin num 0 r = 255 : g = mod(N, 256) : b = 0 sw.break 1 r = 255-(mod(N, 256)) : g = 255 : b = 0 sw.break 2 r = 0 : g = 255 : b = mod(N, 256) sw.break 3 r = 0 : g = 255-(mod(N, 256)) : b = 255 sw.break 4 r = mod(N, 256) : g = 0:b = 255 sw.break 5 r = 255 : g = 0 : b = 255-(mod(N, 256)) sw.break sw.default r = 128:g = 128:b = 128 sw.break sw.end gr.color 255, r ,g ,b fn.end return