Rem PWM made simple (by Alberto) REM March 2016 REM ********************************** ! !---------- Setting the graphic screen ------- Let Fix_W = 1280 Let Fix_H = 720 GR.OPEN 255, 15, 15, 15,0 GR.ORIENTATION 0 Pause 200 gr.screen DW, DH Let SW = DW/Fix_W Let SH = DH/Fix_H gr.scale SW, SH !----- Preparing graphics objects ------------ Dim Rt[64,4] gr.set.stroke 3 gr.color 255,0,128,0 For I = 1 to 64 Gr.line Rt[I,1],0,0,100,0 Gr.line Rt[I,2],0,0,100,0 Gr.line Rt[I,3],0,0,100,0 Gr.line Rt[I,4],0,0,100,0 gr.hide Rt[I,1] gr.hide Rt[I,2] gr.hide Rt[I,3] gr.hide Rt[I,4] next Gr.line Ln1,0,0,10,0 gr.hide Ln1 ! ---- Drawing Duty and Frequency slides ---- gr.color 255,128,128,128 gr.rect DS,720,600,1160,650 gr.rect FS,120,600,560,650 gr.color 255,0,0,0 gr.line Es1,740,625,1140,625 gr.line Es2,140,625,540,625 gr.color 255,60,60,60,1 DS1, 935,625,20 FS1, 340,625,20 !------- Drawing the led circuit ------------- gr.color 255,64,0,0,0 Led0, 980,90,25 gr.color 128,255,0,0,1 Led, 980,90,25 gr.color 255,128,128,128,0 Gr.line Ld1, 830,90,950,90 Gr.Rect Ld2,730,75,830,105 Gr.line Ld3, 580,90,730,90 Gr.line Ld4, 1010,90,1160,90 Gr.line Ld5, 1160,90,1160,150 Gr.line Ld6, 580,150,1160,150 Ld7,576,150,4 Ld8,576,90,4 gr.color 128,255,255,255,1 gr.rect Led9,990,80,997,87 !-------- Writing screen text ------------------ gr.color 255,128,128,128,0 gr.rect sc1,120,210,1160,560 gr.line Or,225,270,225,490 gr.line As,225,490,1080,490 gr.line zz,215,460,225,460 gr.line ss,215,270,225,270 gr.color 255,128,128,128,1 gr.text.size 27 gr.text.draw tx2,500,130,"" gr.text.draw tx9, 725,182,"" gr.text.draw tx12, 742,65,"R=760" gr.text.draw tx13, 1020,80,"Led" gr.text.draw tx3,550,530,"Time Domain " gr.text.draw tx14,185,470,"0" gr.text.draw tx15,165,280,"12" gr.text.draw tx5,875,690,"Duty Cycle" gr.text.draw tx6, 1110,690,"max" gr.text.draw tx7, 720,690,"min" gr.text.draw tx8, 235,690,"PWM Frequency" gr.text.draw tx10, 510,690,"max" gr.text.draw tx11, 120,690,"min" GR.ROTATE.START -90,210,165 gr.text.draw tx4,-25,150,"Volts" gr.rotate.end gr.text.size 35 gr.text.draw tx1,125,100,"" gr.text.draw tx13,125,160,"" !---------Setting some variables --------------- Let Lo = 260 Let Hi = 460 Let Duty = 50 Let os = 280 BNb = 100 gosub Frequenza gr.render goto loop !----------------- Ini program ---------------- Frequenza: Let Frq = int(820/BNb) If Frq > 64 then Let Freq = 64 For I = 1 to 64 gr.hide Rt[I,1] gr.hide Rt[I,2] gr.hide Rt[I,3] gr.hide Rt[I,4] next Let Flag_F = 0 Disegna: Let Duty1 = Duty * BNb/100 For I = 1 to Frq if (duty < 100) & (duty > 0) then gr.hide Ln1 Rt[I,1] Rt[I,2] Rt[I,3] Rt[I,4] gr.modify Rt[I,1], "x1" ,((I-1)*BNb) + os, "y1", Lo, "x2", (((I-1)*BNb)+Duty1) + os, "y2", Lo gr.modify Rt[I,2], "x1" ,((I-1)*BNb) + Duty1 + os , "y1", Hi, "x2", ((I-1)*BNb) + Duty1 + os + (BNb-Duty1), "y2", Hi gr.modify Rt[I,3], "x1" ,((I-1)*BNb) + os, "y1", Lo, "x2",((I-1)*BNb) + os, "y2", Hi gr.modify Rt[I,4], "x1" ,((I-1)*BNb) + Duty1 + os, "y1", Lo, "x2",((I-1)*BNb) + Duty1 + os, "y2", Hi else gr.hide Rt[I,1] gr.hide Rt[I,2] gr.hide Rt[I,3] gr.hide Rt[I,4] endif next if Duty = 0 Then gr.modify Ln1, "x1" , os , "y1", Hi, "x2", 1050 , "y2", Hi Ln1 endif if Duty >= 100 Then gr.modify Ln1, "x1" , os, "y1", Lo, "x2", 1050 , "y2", Lo Ln1 endif gr.modify tx1,"text", "Duty Cycle = " + trim$(format$("##%",Duty)) + "%" gr.modify tx2,"text", "V in = " + trim$(format$("##%.##",Duty*12/100)) gr.modify tx9,"text", "I = " + trim$(format$("#%.###",(Duty*12/100)/760)) gr.modify tx13,"text", "Frequency = " + trim$(format$("##%",Frq))+ " KHz" Let flag_D = 0 return !------------------ Main loop ---------------- loop: pause 1 goto loop end !------------------- ISR ---------------------- OnGrTouch: do pause 1 gr.touch touched,x,y until touched Let x = x / SW: Let y = y / SH do pause 1 gr.touch touched,xx,yy Let xx =xx / SW: Let yy = yy / SH if (yy > 550) & (yy < 700) then ! ------ Duty cycle slide service --------------- if (xx >700) & (xx < 1180) then if xx > 1140 then Let xx = 1140 if xx < 740 then Let xx = 740 Let Duty = 100-int((1140-xx)/4) gr.modify DS1,"x",xx Let flag_D = 1 If Duty < 0 Then Let Duty = 0 If Duty > 100 Then Let Duty = 100 gr.modify Led, "alpha", int(Duty * 2.55) gr.modify Led9, "alpha", int(Duty * 2.55) gosub Disegna endif !------- Frequency slide service ------------- if (xx >120) & (xx < 560) then if xx < 140 then Let xx = 140 if xx > 540 then Let xx = 540 BNb = 400-int(xx/1.3) if BNb < 25 then Let BNb = 25 if BNb > 400 then Let BNb = 400 gr.modify FS1,"x",xx Let flag_F = 1 Let flag_D = 1 gosub Frequenza endif !---------------------------------------------- endif gr.render until !touched gr.OnGrTouch.Resume End