program name; var k,h,g,w,z,x,y:integer; ho,fon,kur:image; procedure key(); begin k:=getkeypressed; if k=ke_key2 then begin z:=z+1; g:=g+1; end; if k=ke_key4 then begin w:=w+1; h:=h+1; end; if k=ke_key8 then begin z:=z-1; g:=g-1; end; if k=ke_key6 then begin w:=w-1; h:=h-1; end; begin if k=ke_key2 and z>-1 then z:=-80; if k=ke_key8 and z<-79 then z:=0; if k=ke_key4 and w>-1 then w:=-80; if k=ke_key6 and w<-79 then w:=0; end; end; begin x:=120;y:=160;w:=0;z:=0; h:=100;g:=200; ho:=li('/11.PNG'); kur:=li('/10.PNG'); fon:=li('/24.PNG'); while true do begin key; setcolor(255,255,255); fillrect(0,0,320,400); di(fon,w,z); di(ho,h,g); di(kur,x,y); repaint; delay(20); end; end.