program haha; uses turn; var im,im1: image; i: integer; x,y: integer; begin x:=0; y:=0; i:=0; im:=loadImage('/a12.png'); im1:=loadImage('/a12.png'); repeat if getKeyPressed = KE_KEY4 then i:=i-1; if getKeyPressed = KE_KEY6 then i:=i+1; if getKeyPressed = KE_KEY2 and i>=45 then begin y:=y-2; x:=x+2; end; if getKeyPressed=KE_KEY2 and i>=90 then x:=x+2; if getKeyPressed = KE_KEY8 then y:=y+2; fillRect(0, 0, getWidth, getHeight); setColor(255, 255, 255); drawImage(turn.rotate(im, i), x, y); drawImage(turn.rotate(im1, i), x, y); repaint; until false; end.