REM Start of BASIC!Program 255,255,255,255 gr.orientation 1 gr.screen w,h gr.set.antialias 0 gr.set.stroke 1 dim a[14] !gr.color 255,255,0,0,1 for q=1 to 14 a[q]=10 next cikl: gr.color 255,255,0,0,1 LIST.CREATE n,list1 LIST.ADD.ARRAY list1,a[] gr.poly pt,list1 gr.render !!for q=1 to 14 a[q]=a[q]+rnd()*5!! pause 100 gr.color255,255,255,255,1 LIST.CREATE n,list1 LIST.ADD.ARRAY list1,a[] gr.poly pt,list1 gr.render for q=1 to 14 a[q]=a[q]+rnd()*5 next goto cikl