REM Start of BASIC! Program 0, 0, 0, 255 gr.orientation 1 gr.screen w,h gr.set.stroke 0 gr.bitmap.create bm,480,800 gr.bitmap.drawinto.start bm gr.color 255,0,0,0,1 gr.rect vbn,0,0,480,800 gr.bitmap.drawinto.end gr.bitmap.draw bmp,bm,0,0 x=240 y=50 for h=0 to 180 gr.bitmap.drawinto.start bm for gradus =0 to 360 hh=100*sin(toradians(h)) hy=100*cos(toradians(h)) xr=hh*cos(toradians(gradus)) yr=hh/5*sin(toradians(gradus)) x=xr+240 y=yr+400+hy gr.color 100,128+xr,100,128+yr gr.point bub,x,y next gradus gr.bitmap.drawinto.end gr.modify bmp,"bitmap",bm gr.render next h bmp,"sphera.jpg",90 do until 0