! Plasma bw = 720 bh = 400 size = 20 gr.open 255,0,0,0 gr.orientation 1 gr.set.antialias 20 DIM r[256] DIM g[256] DIM b[256] FOR x = 1 TO 255 r[x] = int((255-(SIN(3.14*3*x/255)+1)*127)) g[x] = int(254*(SIN(3.14*2*x/127)+1)/4) b[x] = int(255-r[x]) NEXT x iter: FOR y =0 TO bh step 20 FOR x = 0 TO bw step 20 ind = int(SIN(x/50+f+y/200+SIN((1-y/100+(1-x/160)*1)))*63.5+127) gr.color 255, r[ind], g[ind], b[ind] gr.circle pt,x,y,10 NEXT xc NEXT y gr.render f = f + 0.4 goto iter