use ui,array as a, math as m,graph as g /* simpel mandelbrot generator by magnus bjerkeng. 1.dec.2007 Important parameters sens sets solid guessing sensitivity sene:big=high sensitivity sene:small=low sensitivity detail, set max number of iterations for escapetime, low=fast and bad high=slow but good. todo: zoom out periodicity checking boundry following symmetry check */ sens=0.5; detail=400; function mandelguess(sx,ex,sy,ey,det,cola,colc,psize,pri,show,tab) sizex=g.size()[0]; sizey=g.size()[1]; if isboolean(tab) then tab=a.create(sizex,0); for i=0 to len(tab)-1 do tab[i]=a.create(sizey,0); end; end; //for all pixels given resolution key=ui.cmd(0); key=null; for j=0 to (sizey-1) by psize do if show then; end; if ui.cmd(0)=167 then return [tab,-1]; end; for i=0 to (sizex-1) by psize do //linear map of the coplex plane to pixels,point in the middle of //rect,(i,j)=top left,(x,y)=middle pixel iter=0; if pri[i][j]=0 then x0=ex-(ex-sx)/sizex* (i+psize/2); y0=ey-(ey-sy)/sizey*(j+psize/2); //flip axis temp=y0; y0=x0; x0=temp; x=x0; y=y0; maxiter=det; //interior check //small circle if (x+1)*(x+1)+y*y<0.0625 then iter =maxiter; end; //big cardioide d=256*(x*x+y*y)*(x*x+y*y)-96*(x*x+y*y)+32*x-3; if d<=0 then iter=maxiter; end; //interior check finished //escape time algorithm while ((x*x +y*y<4) and (iter0 then color=cola[(coltemp*colc)%(255*6)]; else color=0; coltemp=0; end; end; //drawing routine if show then g.pen(color); g.brush(color); g.rect(i,j,psize,psize); end; //fill in the pixel tab for k=j to j+psize-1 do for m=i to i+psize-1 do if k1 then tab2=a.create(sizex,0); for i=0 to len(tab2)-1 do tab2[i]=a.create(sizey,1000); end; for k=0 to len(tab)-1 by psize do for m=0 to len(tab[0])-1 by psize do if pri[k][m]=0 then //for all areas in priority region big=0; eq=a.create(8,0); if m<(len(tab)-psize) then eq[0]=m.round(m.abs(0.5*tab[k][m+psize]-0.5*tab[k][m])); if eq[0]>big then big=eq[0]; end; end; if k>0 and m<(len(tab)-psize) then eq[1]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k-psize][m+psize]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[1]>big then big=eq[1]; end; end; if k<(len(tab)-psize) and m<(len(tab)-psize) then eq[2]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k+psize][m+psize]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[2]>big then big=eq[2]; end; end; if k<(len(tab)-psize) then eq[3]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k+psize][m]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[3]>big then big=eq[3]; end; end; if m>0 then eq[4]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k][m-psize]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[4]>big then big=eq[4]; end; end; if k>0 then eq[5]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k-psize][m]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[5]>big then big=eq[5]; end; end; if k>0 and m>0 then eq[6]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k-psize][m-psize]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[6]>big then big=eq[6]; end; end; if m>0 and k<(len(tab)-psize) then eq[7]=m.round(m.abs(.sens*tab[k+psize][m-psize]-.sens*tab[k][m])); if eq[7]>big then big=eq[7]; end; end; isequal=0; if eq[0]=eq[1] and eq[0]=eq[1] and eq[0]=eq[2] and eq[0]=eq[3] and eq[0]=eq[4] and eq[0]=eq[5] and eq[0]=eq[6] and eq[0]=eq[7] then isequal=1000; //this is an uninteresting region end; pri[k/psize][m/psize]=isequal; //fill in full tab for j=k to j+psize-1 do for i=m to i+psize-1 do if i0 then color=cola[(coltemp*colc)%(255*6)]; else color=cola[0]; end; end;; g.put(i,j,color); //tab[i][j]=color; if coltemp>0 then tab[i][j]=coltemp; end;; end; end; //end; return tab; end; //mandellocal finished //replaces the zoombox when moved function replaceRect(x,y,w,h,animtab,aindex,cola,colc) aindex--; //color=cola[(coltemp*colc)%(255*6)]; for i=x to x+w do g.put(i,y,cola[(animtab[aindex][i][y]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; for i=x to x+w do g.put(i,y+h-1,cola[(animtab[aindex][i][y+h-1]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; for i=y to y+h do g.put(x,i,cola[(animtab[aindex][x][i]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; for i=y to y+h do g.put(x+w-1,i,cola[(animtab[aindex][x+w-1][i]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; end; g.clear(); draw=1; ui.keys(true); //main loop while true do keyac=ui.cmd(0); g.rect(xr,yr,wr,hr);; //keyhandling if keyac=fourkey then colc=colc*2; for j=0 to (sizey-1) do for i=0 to (sizex-1) do g.put(i,j,cola[(animtab[aindex-1][i][j]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; end;; print colc; end; if keyac=sixkey then colc=colc/2; print colc; for j=0 to (sizey-1) do for i=0 to (sizex-1) do g.put(i,j,cola[(animtab[aindex-1][i][j]*colc)%(255*6)]); end; end;; end; if keyac=sevenkey then seven=1; end; if keyac=-sevenkey then seven=0; end; if keyac=sevenkey then seven=1; end; if keyac=-sevenkey then seven=0; end; if keyac=onekey then one=1; end; if keyac=-onekey then one=0; end; if keyac=threekey then three=1; end; if keyac=-threekey then three=0; end; if keyac=53 then mandellocal(sx,ex,sy,ey,detail*6,cola,xr,yr,wr,hr,animtab[aindex-1],colc); end; if keyac=eightkey then mandellocal(sx,ex,sy,ey,detail,cola,0,0,sizex,sizey,animtab[aindex-1],colc); end; if keyac=upkey then up=1; end; if keyac=-upkey then up=0; end; if keyac=downkey then down=1; end; if keyac=-downkey then down=0; end; if keyac=leftkey then left=1; end; if keyac=-leftkey then left=0; end; if keyac=rightkey then right=1; end; if keyac=-rightkey then right=0; end; if up=1 and yr>0 then replaceRect(xr,yr,wr,hr,animtab,aindex,cola,colc); yr=yr-1; end; if down=1 and yr+hr< sizey-2 then replaceRect(xr,yr,wr,hr,animtab,aindex,cola,colc); yr=yr+1; end; if left=1 and xr>0 then replaceRect(xr,yr,wr,hr,animtab,aindex,cola,colc); xr=xr-1; end; if right=1 and xr+wr3 and wr>3 then wr=(wr-3); hr=wr*4/3; sleep(5); end; end; if keyac=twokey then g.clear();; anim=1;//run animation end; if keyac=gokey then pridef=a.create(sizex,0); for i=0 to len(pridef)-1 do pridef[i]=a.create(sizey,0); end; g.clear();; numz=numz+4; //calculate mapping for zoom ext=ex;sxt=sx;eyt=ey;syt=sy; ex=ext-(ext-sxt)/sizex*(xr); ey=eyt-(eyt-syt)/sizey*yr; sx=ext-(ext-sxt)/sizex*(xr+wr); sy=eyt-(eyt-syt)/sizey*(yr+hr); recttab[rectind]=[xr,yr,wr,hr]; rectind++; draw=1; end; //keyhandling done //state machine if anim=1 then //state for animation anim=0; f=0; for v in animtab do if v=0 then break;end; for j=0 to (sizey-1) do for i=0 to (sizex-1) do g.put(i,j,cola[(v[i][j]*colc)%(255*6)]); end;; end; g.pen(g.white); try g.rect(recttab[f][0],recttab[f][1],recttab[f][2],recttab[f][3]); catch e by end; f++; sleep(1000); end; g.pen(; g.rect(xr,yr,wr,hr);; end; if draw=1 then //state for drawing new fractal //remove first if impending out of mem if animtab[nz-1]#0 then for i=0 to len(animtab)-2 do animtab[i]=animtab[i+1]; recttab[i]=recttab[i+1]; end; aindex--; rectind--; recttab[nz-1]=0; end; detail=m.trunc(detail+numz); ret=mandelguess(sx,ex,sy,ey,detail,cola,colc,8,pridef,true,false); animtab[aindex]=ret[0]; if isarray(ret[1]) then pridef=ret[1]; ret=mandelguess(sx,ex,sy,ey,detail,cola,colc,4,pridef,true,animtab[aindex]); end; animtab[aindex]=ret[0]; if isarray(ret[1]) then pridef=ret[1]; ret=mandelguess(sx,ex,sy,ey,detail,cola,colc,1,pridef,true,animtab[aindex]); end; animtab[aindex]=ret[0]; if isarray(ret[1]) then animtab[aindex]=ret[0]; pridef=ret[1]; end; g.brush(false); aindex++; g.pen(; g.rect(xr,yr,wr,hr);; draw=0; end; end;