use array; function tos32(n) // to signed 32-bit integer while n>0x7fffffff do n-=0x100000000 end; return n; end; function tou32(n) // to unsigned 32-bit integer while n<0 do n+=0x100000000 end; return n; end; function shrr(n,s) // Zero-fill right shift (the >>> with JS) a = n shr s; b = 0; for i=1 to (32-s) do b = (b shl 1) | 1; end; return a & b; end; function rotate_left(n,s) t4 = (n shl s) | (shrr(n,(32-s))); return t4; end; function cvt_hex(val) /* s = ""; v = 0; for i=7 to 0 by -1 do v = shrr(val,i*4) & 0x0f; s = s + hexstr(v); end; return s; */ return hexstr(tou32(val),8); end; function Utf8Encode(s) s = replace(s,"\r\n","\n"); utftext = ""; for n=0 to len(s)-1 do c = code(s,n); if c < 128 then utftext = utftext + char(c); elsif ((c > 127) and (c < 2048)) then utftext = utftext + char((c shr 6) | 192); utftext = utftext + char((c & 63) | 128); else utftext = utftext + char((c shr 12) | 224); utftext = utftext + char(((c shr 6) & 63) | 128); utftext = utftext + char((c & 63) | 128); end; end; return utftext; end; function SHA1(msg) // From W = array.create(80,0); H0 = tos32(0x67452301); H1 = tos32(0xefcdab89); H2 = tos32(0x98badcfe); H3 = tos32(0x10325476); H4 = tos32(0xc3d2e1f0); msg_len = len(msg); word_array =; for i = 0 to msg_len-4 by 4 do j = (code(msg,i) shl 24) | (code(msg,i+1) shl 16) | (code(msg,i+2) shl 8) | code(msg,i+3); append(word_array,j); end; case (msg_len % 4) in 0: j = tos32(0x080000000); in 1: j = tos32(code(msg,msg_len-1) shl 24) | tos32(0x0800000); in 2: j = tos32(code(msg,msg_len-2) shl 24) | (code(msg,msg_len-1) shl 16) | tos32(0x08000); in 3: j = tos32(code(msg,msg_len-3) shl 24) | (code(msg,msg_len-2) shl 16) | (code(msg,msg_len-1) shl 8) | tos32(0x080); end; append(word_array,j); while (len(word_array)%16 # 14) do append(word_array,0); end; ffffffff = tos32(0x0ffffffff); append(word_array,shrr(msg_len,29)); append(word_array,(msg_len shl 3) & ffffffff); bse = len(word_array); for bs = 0 to bse-1 by 16 do for i = 0 to 15 do W[i] = word_array[bs+i]; end; for i = 16 to 79 do W[i] = rotate_left(W[i-3] ^ W[i-8] ^ W[i-14] ^ W[i-16], 1); end; A = H0; B = H1; C = H2; D = H3; E = H4; for i = 0 to 19 do temp = tos32(tou32(rotate_left(A,5)) + tou32((B&C) | (~B&D)) + tou32(E) + tou32(W[i]) + 0x5A827999) & ffffffff; E = D; D = C; C = rotate_left(B,30); B = A; A = temp; end; for i = 20 to 39 do temp = tos32(tou32(rotate_left(A,5)) + tou32(B^C^D) + tou32(E) + tou32(W[i]) + 0x6ED9EBA1) & ffffffff; E = D; D = C; C = rotate_left(B,30); B = A; A = temp; end; for i = 40 to 59 do temp = tos32(tou32(rotate_left(A,5)) + tou32((B&C) | (B&D) | (C&D)) + tou32(E) + tou32(W[i]) + 0x8F1BBCDC) & ffffffff; E = D; D = C; C = rotate_left(B,30); B = A; A = temp; end; for i = 60 to 79 do temp = tos32(tou32(rotate_left(A,5)) + tou32(B^C^D) + tou32(E) + tou32(W[i]) + 0xCA62C1D6) & ffffffff; E = D; D = C; C = rotate_left(B,30); B = A; A = temp; end; H0 = tos32(tou32(H0) + tou32(A)) & ffffffff; H1 = tos32(tou32(H1) + tou32(B)) & ffffffff; H2 = tos32(tou32(H2) + tou32(C)) & ffffffff; H3 = tos32(tou32(H3) + tou32(D)) & ffffffff; H4 = tos32(tou32(H4) + tou32(E)) & ffffffff; end; return cvt_hex(H0)+cvt_hex(H1)+cvt_hex(H2)+cvt_hex(H3)+cvt_hex(H4); end; function SHA1toStr(a) // Make the sha1 hash become real bytes r = ''; while a # '' do r = r + char(hexnum(substr(a,0,2))); a = substr(a,2); end; return r; end;