String functions


  • length - string length
  • lower - lower case string
  • upper - upper case string
  • chars - ASCII characters array


  • trim() - removes any leading and trailing whitespaces in string
  • startsWith(str, offset = 0) - checks whether the string starts with the substring str at offset
  • endsWith(str) - checks whether the string ends with the str
  • matches(regex) - checks whether the string matches regex pattern
  • contains(str) - checks whether the string contains substring str
  • equalsIgnoreCase(str) - checks equality of two strings ignore case (tEsT = TEST)
  • isEmpty() - returns true, if the string is empty

In addition, there are automatic function extensions available if the function accepts a string as the first argument:

str = " ababcaab   "
println indexOf(str, "abc")
println str.indexOf("abc")

def isBlank(s) = s.trim().isEmpty()
println isBlank(str)
println str.isBlank()