canvas (desktop)

Contains functions for working with graphics


VK_DOWN : number = 40

arrow down key code

VK_ESCAPE : number = 27

Esc key code

VK_FIRE : number = 10

Enter key code

VK_LEFT : number = 37

arrow left key code

VK_RIGHT : number = 39

arrow left key code

VK_UP : number = 38

arrow up key code


clip(x, y, w, h) — sets the current clip to the rectangle specified by the given coordinates

color(rgb) — sets color drawing. rgb - color with the specified combined RGB value

color(red, green, blue) — sets color with the specified red, green, and blue values in the range (0 - 255)

drawstring(text, x, y) — draws string text at position x, y

foval(x, y, w, h) — draws a filled oval at position x, y, size w, h

frect(x, y, w, h) — draws a filled rectangle at position x, y, size w, h

keypressed() — returns the code of the pressed key (see the constant section)

line(x1, y1, x2, y2) — draws line from point (x1;y1) to (x2;y2)

mousehover() — returns array with current mouse pointer coordinates

oval(x, y, w, h) — draws a oval at position x, y, size w, h

prompt(message) — displays a dialog box that prompts the visitor for input

rect(x, y, w, h) — draws a rectangle at position x, y, size w, h

repaint() — draws elements from graphics buffer on canvas

window(name, width, hight) — creates a new window with the specified name and size widthxheight