DominaN  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Кирилл Откуда: Смоленск Регистрация: 28.09.2011
| Таки
Is there Android port? It is now available from Android Market. not as free software though, but most of the source code is available, and plugin API is compatible with desktop version. Source code for Free Plugins Pack is available as separate download, for those who want to learn how to build their own plugins for android. It can be found on the project page Files section, under Android folder. Download, unpack into deadbeef folder. Folder hierarchy should look like deadbeef/ android.freeplugins/... Compile steps (you will need to have some android/eclipse knowledge): 1. install android sdk and ndk 2. build jni code: cd android.freeplugins/jni ; make 3. build the package: launch eclipse, create the project from existing source (point it to android.freeplugins folder), then build it might require adding some of the ndk/sdk folders to PATH environment variable. Называется, купи прогу на маркете да ищо и помоги автору портировать плагины. Но, как вариант, можно собрать из сырцов с ББ попутно
GTK is open source. You're welcome to port it. – Jonathan Baldwin Jul 13 at 3:28