RFO BASIC<< 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 272 >> 26.08.2015 / 09:59 | | 1961uvg  Пользователь
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Имя: Victor Откуда: Минск Регистрация: 28.07.2015
| kingdosya Не знаю не пробовал. Вот ссылка как Eclipse : https://github.com/RFO-BASIC/Basic Изменено aNNiMON (4.01 / 10:33) (всего 4 раза) |
27.08.2015 / 15:21 | | 1961uvg  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Victor Откуда: Минск Регистрация: 28.07.2015
| Vapigor В google play есть игра сделаная на RFO - это Dragon Hunt как раз РПГ. Но исходники я не нашел.
28.08.2015 / 08:09 | | Vapigor  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Регистрация: 15.03.2012
| 1961uvg, больше на аркаду похоже.
 Делай шум! |
31.08.2015 / 10:09 | | ewo  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Алексей Регистрация: 28.08.2015
| Приглашаю в группу, посвященную RFO/FreeBasic http://vk.com/65watgamesИдея минимум - обмен идеями/опытом Идея максимум - релизы на сайте творческого коллектива |
3.09.2015 / 20:24 | | Vapigor  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Регистрация: 15.03.2012
| В общем, может не в тему, но на каком бейсе пишут игры для андроида через пк?
 Делай шум! |
3.09.2015 / 20:29 | | kingdosya  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Сергей Откуда: Вашингтон Регистрация: 06.08.2013
| Цитата Vapigor: В общем, может не в тему, но на каком бейсе пишут игры для андроида через пк?На рфо
3.09.2015 / 20:36 | | Vapigor  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Регистрация: 15.03.2012
| kingdosya, вроде какое-то другое название было, то ли basic4android или типа того.
 Делай шум! |
4.09.2015 / 10:43 | | 1961uvg  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Victor Откуда: Минск Регистрация: 28.07.2015
| На ПК на нем и пишут. Но он больше похож на VB.
5.09.2015 / 19:20 | | ВитаминКО  Супермодератор
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Василиус Откуда: RZN Регистрация: 20.04.2012
| Цитата Vapigor: basic4androidMotex на нем кодил
 わからない!! |
8.09.2015 / 11:01 | | 1961uvg  Пользователь
Сейчас: Offline
Имя: Victor Откуда: Минск Регистрация: 28.07.2015
| BASIC! for Android Graphics Commands Version 11 5/24/2011 Открыть спойлер Закрыть спойлер Changes from previous release A new command, gr.bitmap.delete, has been added. This command deletes a bitmap and free up its memory. The Graphics Screen and Graphics Mode Graphics are displayed on a new screen that is different than the standard BASIC! text output screen. The text output screen still exists and can be returned to from the graphics screen using the Back Key.
The gr.open command opens the graphics screen and puts BASIC! into the graphics mode. BASIC must be in graphics mode before any other graphics commands can be executed. Attempting to execute any graphics command when not in the graphics mode will result in a run time error. The Graphics mode automatically turns off when the BACK Key or MENU key is pressed. BASIC! will continue to run after the BACK key or MENU key is pressed.
The BASIC! text output screen is hidden when the graphics screen is being displayed. . Run time error message will not be observable. A Haptic feedback alert signals a run time error. This Haptic feedback will be a distinct, three short buzzes. Hit the Back Key to close the Graphics Screen upon feeling this alert. The error messages can then read from the BASIC! text output screen.
The gr.front command can be used to programmically swap the front most screen between the text output screen and the graphics screen.
I recommend that your program always ends with the END command when doing graphics. The END command displays END on the the output text screen. END shown on the output text screen gives notice that the program has correctly ended. If the program has not stopped then it may be in a loop. Hit Menu-Stop to stop the program. Display Lists BASIC! uses a Display List. The Display List contains all the graphics objects (circles, lines, etc) commanded to be drawn. The Display List objects will not be rendered on the screen when the "gr.render" command is called.
Each draw object command returns the object's Object Number in the display list. This Object Number can be used to change the object on the fly. You can change any of the parameters of any object in the display list with the gr.modify command. This feature allows you easily create animations without the overhead of having of recreating every object in the display list. Color Android colors consist of a mixture of Red, Green and Blue. Each of the colors can have values ranging from 0 to 255. Black occurs when all three values are zero. White occurs when all three values are 255. Solid Red would occur with Red having a value of 255 while Blue and Green are zero.
Colors also have what is called an Alpha Channel. The Alpha Channel describes the level of opaqueness of the color. An Alpha value of 255 is totally non-opaque. No object of any color can show through an object with an Alpha value of 255. An Alpha value of zero will render the object invisible. Graphics Preparatory Commands gr.open alpha, red, green, blue Opens the Graphics Screen and puts BASIC! into the Graphics Mode. The color values become the background color of the graphics screen. gr.color alpha, red, green, blue, fill Sets the current color. The current color will be used for whatever graphics objects are newly drawn until the next color command is executed.
The BASIC! color command has an additional parameter, fill. The fill parameter is applied to enclosed objects such as circles or rectangles. If fill is false (0) then any enclosed object using that color will be displayed as an out line of the object. If fill is true ( Not 0), then the enclosed object will be filled with the color. gr.orientation mode Forces the screen into Landscape or Portrait mode regardless of the the device's orientation. If mode = 0, Landscape mode will be forced. If mode<>0, Portrait mode will be forced. gr.screen width, height Returns the screen's width and height is the variables. This command should be executed after (not before) any gr.orientation command. This is because the gr.orientation command swaps the height and width. gr.cls Clears the screen of all objects by disposing of the current Display List. Creates a new Display List. Any previous gr.color or gr.text{size|align|bold|strike|underline|skew} setting are reset.
The "gr.render" command must be called to make the cleared screen visible to the user. gr.close Closes the opened graphics mode. The program will continue to run. The graphics screen will be removed. The text output screen will be displayed. gr.front flag Commands which screen, the graphics screen or the text output screen, will be the front most screen. If flag = 0, the text output screen will be the front most screen and seen by the user. If flag <>0. the graphics screen will be the front most screen and seen by the user.
This command is very useful for getting input from the user while in graphics mode. Executing "gr.front 0" will cause the text output screen to be seen by the user. The INPUT command can thus be executed. When the input is received, executing "gr.front 1" while cause the graphics screen to be seen by the user.
Note: When the text output screen is in front, you can still draw and render onto the graphics screen but the effects will not be seen until "gr.front 1" is commanded. The same is true in reverse. Graphical Object Creation Commands gr.line Object_number, x1, y1, x2, y2 Creates and inserts a line object into the Display List. The line will start at (x1,y1) and end at (x2,2). Returns the Display List object number for this line. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The gr.modify parameters for gr.line are: "x1", "y1", "x2" and "y2" gr.rect Object_number, left, top, right, bottom Creates and inserts a rectangle object into the Display List. The rectangle will be located within the bounds of the parameters. The rectangle will or will not be filled depending upon the "gr.color fill" parameter. Returns the Display List object number for this rectangle. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The gr.modify parameters for gr.rect are: "left", "top", "right" and "bottom". gr.oval Object_number, left, top, right, bottom Creates and inserts an oval shaped object into the Display List. The oval will be located within the bounds of the parameters. The oval will or will not be filled depending upon the gr.color fill parameter. Returns the Display List object number for this oval. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The gr.modify parameters for gr.oval are: "left", "top", "right" and "bottom". gr.arc Object_number, left, top, right, bottom, start_angle, sweep_angle, fill_mode Creates and inserts an arc shaped object into the Display List. The arc will be created within the rectangle described by the parameters. It will start at the specified Start_angle and sweep clockwise by the degrees through the specified Sweep angle. If the color fill parameter is true, the Fill_mode parameter is activated. If Fill_mode is false, the arc will be filled between it's end points. If Fill_mode is true, the arc will be filled around the center of the arc. A Fill_mode of true will produce a wedge or pie shaped object. Returns the Display List object number for this arc. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The gr.modify parameters for gr.arc are: "left", "top", "right", "bottom", "start_angle", "end_angle" and "fill_mode". The value for "fill_mode" is either false (0) or true (not 0); gr.circle Object_number, x, y, radius Creates and inserts a circle object into the Display List. The circle will be created with the given radius around the designated center (x,y) coordinates. The circle will or will not be filled depending upon the gr.color fill parameter. Returns the Display List object number for this circle. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The "gr.modify" parameters for gr.circle are "x", "y", and "radius" Hide and Show Commands gr.hide Object_number Hides the object with the specified Object_number. This change will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called. gr.show Object_number Shows(unhiddes) the object with the specified Object_number. This change will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called. Touch Query Commands gr.touch touched, x, y Tests for a touch on the graphics screen. If the screen was touched, touched will be returned as true( Not 0) with the (x,y) coordinates of the touch. If Touched is false (0), then the screen has not been touched and the (x,y) coordinates are invalid. gr.bounded.touch touched, left, top, right, bottom The touched parameter will be returned true (not zero) if the user has touched the screen within the rectangle defined by the left, top, right, bottom parameters. If the screen has not been touched or has been touched outside of the bounding rectangle, the touched parameter will be return as false (zero). Text Preparatory Commands gr.text.align type Align the text relative to the (x,y) coordinates given in the "gr.text.draw" command. type values: 1 = Left, 2 = Center, 3 = Right. gr.text.size n Specifies the size of the text in pixels gr.text.bold Boolean Makes the text bold if Boolean < >0 . If the color fill parameter is 0, only the outline of the bold test will be shown. If fill <>0, the text outline will be filled. gr.text.underline Boolean The drawn text will be underlined if Boolean <> 0. gr.text.strike Boolean The text will be drawn with the a strike through line if Boolean <>0. gr.text.skew n Skews the text for an italic effect. Negative values skew the bottom of the text left. This makes the text lean forward. Positive values do the opposite. Traditional italics can be best imitated with n = -0.25. Text Draw Command gr.text.draw Object_number, x, y, text$ Creates and inserts a text object into the Display List. The text object will use the latest color and text preparatory commands. Returns the Display List object number for this text. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The "gr.modify" parameters for gr.text.draw are "x", "y", "text". The value for the "text" parameter is a string representing the new text. Bitmap Commands gr.bitmap.load bitmap_ptr, File_name$ Creates a bitmap object from the file specified in the File_name$ string. Return a pointer to the created bitmap object for use with the gr.bitmap.scale, gr.bitmap.draw and gr.modify commands.
Bitmap image files must be located in the "/sdcard/rfo-basic/data/" directory. Thus is true even if the Use SD Card setting in unchecked.
Note: You can may include path fields in the file name. For example, "../../Cougar.jpg" would cause BASIC! to look for Cougar.jpg in the top level directory if the SD Card. ( "/sdcard/Cougar.jpg")
"images/Kitty.png" would cause BASIC! to look in the images(d) sub-directory of the "/sdcard/rfo-basic/data/" ( "/sdcard/rfo-basic/data/images/Kitty.png") gr.bitmap.size bitmap_ptr, Width, Height Return the pixel width and height of the bitmap pointed to by bitmap_ptr into the Width and Height variables. gr.bitmap.scale dest_ptr, src_ptr, Width, Height Scales a previously loaded bitmap to the specified Width and Height. The src_ptr is the bitmap pointer returned by the gr.bitmap.load command. The dest_ptr is the bitmap pointer to be used with the gr.bitmap.draw and gr.modify commands. gr.bitmap.delete bitmap_ptr Deletes a previously loaded or scaled bitmap. The bitmap's memory is returned to the system. gr.bitmap.draw Object_ptr, bitmap_ptr, x , w Creates and inserts a bitmap object into the Display List. The bitmap will be drawn with its upper left corner at the provided (x,y) coordinates. Returns the Display List object number for this bitmap. This object will not be visible until the "gr.render" command is called.
The "gr.modify" parameters for for gr.bitmap.draw are "bitmap", "x" and "y". Rotate Commands gr.rotate.start angle, x, y Any objects drawn between the gr.rotate.start and gr.rotate.end will be rotated at the specified angle around the specified (x,y) point. gr.rotate.start must be eventually followed by gr.rotate.end or you will not get the expected results. gr.rotate.end Ends the rotated drawing of objects. Objects created after this command will not be rotated. Modify Command gr.modify Object_number, parameter_name$, {value|value$}
The object in the display list with the specified Object_number will have its parameter_name$ changed to {value|value$). The parameters for each object are given with descriptions of the commands.
As and examples, suppose a bitmap object was created with "gr.bitmap.draw BM_ptr, galaxy_ptr, 400, 120".
Executing "gr.modify BM_Ptr "x", 420" would move the bitmap from x =400 to x = 420. Executing "gr.modify BM_ptr, "y", 200 would move the bitmap from y = 120 to y = 200. Executing "gr.modify BM_ptr, "bitmap", Saturn_ptr would change the bitmap of an image of a (preloaded) Galaxy to the the image of a (preloaded) Saturn.
The parameters that you supply for a given object are not verified for correctness for the parameter name spelling. The parameter are also not verified for their appropriateness to the specified object. If you are not getting the expected results check the parameter for object appropriateness and spelling. Giving an object and incorrect parameter will not will have no effect upon that object.
The results of gr.modify commands will not be observed until a gr.render command is given. Изменено deamonsik (9.09 / 14:42) (всего 1 раз)
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