Thank you for this app. It's good and work well but in editor phpmyadmin not work when I want to write query in this and don't show it's part. I have one question: I have to rewrite my url's, so I must change apache config.please tell me how I do it?thanks a lot
In root there is one folder name "data" and not "data/data". And folder "data" is empty. I searched it with "Quick Editor", and not found with "file manager".
How to access to this URL? /data/data/ua.naiksoftware.phprunner/lighttpd.conf In my storage this URL not found, In your app I typed this URL in address bar "view" and can't found it. Thanks.
(12.63 кб.)
$SERVER["socket"] == "" {
server.document-root = "/mnt/sdcard/droidphp/webui"
url.rewrite-if-not-file = ("(.*)" => "/index.php/$0")
Also in root of my project created .htaccess file for change my URL's
That is correct?